Yoda once said, “Do or do not. There is no try.” In which case, a video of the Jedi making out with Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) should be filed under “Absolutely not.” It’s just a shame no one told AI-enthusiast Abandoned Films, who released a faux trailer for a sci-fi romance called “Stranded on Dagobah.” Taking from that pivotal swamp-based training session in “The Empire Strikes Back,” the film posits this idea — what if teacher and student got a little bit closer than they did in the movie and decided to live out their lives together on the gunky, green spot in space?
While we’re all for “Star Wars” being progressive (take that, toxic fandom), there’s something about Master Yoda and young Luke Skywalker getting together that feels excessively icky and doesn’t belong as part of Yoda’s backstory. Also, by the end of the trailer, it’s clear that the pointy-eared elf and the kid from Tatooine just wouldn’t work out together.
With some steamy moments in the swamp together and the two seemingly having a child together, there’s a lot on show in Abandoned Films’ iteration of the romance we knew we never wanted. Understandably, the internet had a lot to say about what was on show, and of course, with every “nay,” there were a few alarming “yays” that were all for the most powerful Jedi in the galaxy and the son of Darth Vader having a kid that looked more like a “Harry Potter” house elf than anything.
Fans are freaked out by Stranded on Dagobah because of course
Concerned about seeing Luke Skywalker giving up his time as a savior of the galaxy and instead spending the rest of his days on the couch, plenty of fans chimed in with the horror show that has at least a little bit of heart. “What did I just watch?” asked @mattnarvaez9231, who was probably as perplexed to see an overweight Luke chowing down at the end of the trailer and looking more like the Jabba the Hutt that was cut from “Episode IV.”
Meanwhile, @Jemasonj fell victim to their own scrolling, saying, “I knew my streak of good luck with the algorithm had to end sooner or later.” It’s certainly another disturbing leap forward for the AI-loving trailer maker, whose previous works include a dark live-action movie version of “Shrek.” In the eyes of @CaedusRising, this was deemed as such; “Literally this is your masterpiece thus far.”
Well, to some, there might actually be a story to be told on Dagobah after all. But we just hope that this one ends up in a Sarlacc pit as opposed to becoming a reality. No offense, Master Yoda.